A to Z Quick Chats 85 | Do you believe in love at first sight?

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In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss whether or not they believe in love at first sight. Don’t forget to join our Facebook group if you want to interact with Xochitl and Jack!

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32 thoughts on “A to Z Quick Chats 85 | Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  1. yes i believe in love at first sight. I think someone’s personality, culture, passion and so on is disposed on appearance in some degree. But it can be rare case to be true love. As you mentioned, marriage have to concern many conditions. Love at first sight also need some datings and understanding each other process.

    1. I agree with you. This is a very well written response. Don’t forget to upload your response as a photo file to e-class. That way, you will get your points for the homework assignment. Thanks!

  2. Yes, I believe it.
    I think it happens very very ocassionally but It occurs. People judge instaneous view of people unconsciously or consciously. So It is possible to have powerful, fascinating feelings at first sight and fall in love. But those temporary feelings can be mistake for love.

  3. I always fall in love at first sight in my experience. Because boy’s visual impact and first attraction is important for me. But, this love can’t last a long time easily. As I get to know him more, I notice a personality that is different from my expectations. If I get older and want to have a serious relationship like marriage, I think I should focus on the inside of the person.

    1. I think we call this a “crush.” Crushes can be intense feelings, but love is a more sustaining thing and requires more sacrifice and a longer commitment.

  4. Of course, I don’t agree with falling in love at first sight, but I like the expression ‘poppy love’ because I think, ‘Isn’t the existence of the expression ‘poppy love’ a term created by people who fell in love at first sight?’

  5. I believe in love at first sight. The first thing anyone sees when
    they look at someting is the external elements. I believe that if I immediately like the other person’s external appearance, I will be more interested in them and look good on them. Not everything is decided by first impressions, but I think it is the first step in human relationships. So it is possible to fall in love if I really like the other person’s first impression, not only their external appearance, but also their personality and behavior.

  6. I believe so. I think it’s a phenomenon that most people feel, to the point that it’s common to say that they fell in love at first sight in Korea. I think we can like someone in an instant because people’s emotions fluctuate and change in an instant.

  7. Kim Geonwoo

    People can of course get attracted by first sight(appearances) and also I do. But to me this doesn’t connect to real love because I can’t see a person’s personality by just seeing appearances. However, there are people who fall into real love by first sight(appearances). I think maybe older people who have lot of social experience can approximately know a person’s personality by seeing eyes, etc. Anyway I think personality plays a very important role in making real love.

  8. I believe in love at first sight, because people are greatly influenced by visual aspects. I think people are liked when they see someone else’s attractive appearance and want to know more about them.

  9. I think love can start on a first meeting because first impressions are really important

  10. I don’t believe in love at first sight. People who say they fell in love at first sight cannot say that they truly fell in love. because they only saw the outside and not the inside. I think that the state of being truly in love begins when you know almost everything about the person. So I don’t believe that.

  11. I don’t believe in love at first sight.
    Someone might be attractive, but I don’t know anything about them. I don’t think I can define it as being in love.
    You might not be able to get along with him or think it’s not my style.
    Therefore, I think we get to know the person over time and gradually fall in love.

  12. 20234185 임주원

    Before I listen to this podcast, I thought that i believe falling in love at first sight. I agree with your opinion that we see someone and feel him or her is attractive, it is close to ‘poppy love’ or ‘crush’ more than ‘love’. I think we have to talk about the definition of ‘love’ before say about this question. Love is deeper feeling, so i think it can’t be created in such a short time. Anyone who fell in love at first time, that person maybe just attracted by someone’s visual, I guess. However I also think it would be cool if such a thing like falling in love at first sight happen in my life.

  13. 20230722 이형기

    I believe to fall in love first sight
    The first impression is enough to grasp the appearance and the atmosphere of the person
    The first knot is important for everything First impression means the first knot in love

  14. 이형기 20230722

    I believe to fall in love first sight
    The first impression is enough to grasp the appearance and the atmosphere of the person
    The first knot is important for everything First impression means the first knot in love

  15. 20230722이형기

    I believe to fall in love first sight
    The first impression is enough to grasp the appearance and the atmosphere of the person
    The first knot is important for everything First impression means the first knot in love

  16. Yes, I think it’s possible. I don’t think the first impression knows everything about the person. But love can begin if the first impression is the same type of person I’ve wanted so far I think. If the person’s first impression was good, I think that emotion feels bigger and lasts longer.

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