Dear Jack

A to Z Dear Jack 11 | “Feeling Overwhelmed Listener”

Powered by RedCircle Dear Jack, I’ve always been the go-to person for friends and family when they need advice or a listening ear. While I appreciate being trusted, I’ve noticed that lately, I’ve become the unofficial therapist for everyone around me. It’s starting to feel like I’m carrying the weight of everyone else’s problems on

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A to Z Dear Jack 09 | “Holding My Breath at Lunch”

Powered by RedCircle Dear Jack, I work in a small office, and there’s a colleague who constantly microwaves fish for lunch. The smell is overpowering and lingers in the breakroom for hours, making it uncomfortable for everyone. I’ve tried dropping hints, but they don’t seem to get it. How can I address this without creating

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A to Z Dear Jack 04 | “Confused Colleague”

Powered by RedCircle Title: “Navigating a Complicated Office Romance” Dear Jack, I’m facing a challenging situation at work, and I could really use some guidance. About six months ago, I started developing romantic feelings for a coworker. We work closely together on various projects and have become great friends. It’s clear that there’s mutual chemistry,

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A to Z Dear Jack 03 | “Worried and Caring Friend”

Powered by RedCircle Dear Jack, I’m a 30-year-old woman who has always been very close to my best friend, Sarah. We’ve shared countless joys and sorrows throughout the years. However, there’s one issue that’s causing a strain in our friendship. Sarah recently started dating a guy who seems controlling and possessive. She has gradually distanced

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