A to Z Quick Chat 77 | The Most Scared I’ve Ever Been

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In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack talks about two experiences in his life that were extremely scary. One of his stories is from childhood and the other occurred when he was an adult.

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Intro/Outro Music: Daybird by Broke for Free



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5 thoughts on “A to Z Quick Chat 77 | The Most Scared I’ve Ever Been”

  1. Hello Jack!
    Thanks for sharing those two experiences with us. The second experience was the most extremely scared. I’m so glad that you are survived. For me, I remember when I was in the first grade, one day, my dad came to pick my sister and me up from school but there was one of our classmates outside the school and nearly the main gate of school. She told my dad that we took the bus to go back home and my dad was busy so he left immediately. Then she told us that my dad came to take us and she told him that we left already. At that time, I cried and felt so scared that I wouldn’t go back home anymore. Although there were other buses there to take other students back home. Therefore, we went back home by the bus. That girl was too naughty. I never forget that experience because of her.

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