
Most Recent Episodes

Most Recent Episodes

The Jack & ‘Chill Podcast 02 | Halloween, Ghost Stories, and “Phrogging”

Powered by RedCircle In this episode of The Jack & 'Chill Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss Halloween celebrations, ghost stories ...

A to Z Quick Chat 100 | The Jack & ‘Chill Podcast

Powered by RedCircle In the 100th Quick Chat episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss ...

A to Z This Day in World History | October 28th

Powered by RedCircle On October 28 in world history: 1492 - Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba: Christopher Columbus, during his ...

The A to Z English Podcast Introduces “The Jack & ‘Chill Podcast”

Powered by RedCircle Check out Xochitl and Jack's new long form podcast The Jack & 'Chill Podcast! In our very ...

The Jack & ‘Chill Podcast 01 | Before the Internet

Powered by RedCircle In our very first Jack & 'Chill episode, Xochitl and Jack discuss the following topics: 1) How ...

A to Z Quick Tok 64 | The History of Halloween

Powered by RedCircle The history of Halloween is a fascinating blend of ancient traditions, religious influences, and commercialization. Here's a ...

A to Z This Day in World History | October 27th

Powered by RedCircle On October 27th in world history: 1904: The New York City Subway system officially opened, becoming one ...

A to Z Am I the Jerk? 29 | Am I the jerk for not wanting to give up my dreams?

Powered by RedCircle Scenario: I'm a young adult who recently moved out of my parents' home to pursue my dreams ...

A to Z Am I the Jerk? 28 | Am I the jerk for not wanting my roommate’s cousin to stay with us?

Powered by RedCircle You've been roommates with Sarah for over a year, and things have generally gone well. You both ...

A to Z Am I the Jerk? 27 | Am I the jerk for calling out a team member in front of the group?

Powered by RedCircle You're part of a group project at work, and it's been a challenging and stressful assignment. The ...

A to Z Idioms 31 | Idioms with “Witch”

Powered by RedCircle In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack explains the meanings of three idioms ...

A to Z OREO 35 | Would you rather be a famous actor or a successful author?

Powered by RedCircle In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack answers a Would you rather? question ...